
Applying Automation for Expanded FX Risk Management Benefits

Nearly every company doing business beyond its own borders faces the challenge of cost-effectively managing currency risk, and each year corporations incur billions of dollars in currency-related losses due to volatility. In many cases, these losses are attributable to manual, spreadsheet-based currency risk management programs and processes. Regardless of the sophistication or complexity of an organization, every corporation can benefit from automated FX risk management.

In this eBook, you will be introduced to three common manual foreign exchange profiles. We will explore how a company from each profile type automated their FX processes and was able to: 

  • Gain greater insight into currency data and exposure
  • Improve workflows
  • Increase overall efficiencies 
  • Withstand currency headwinds.

Before automating, each company had the potential to endure significant losses due to human error and faulty, incomplete data. After automating, each organization – regardless
of its size and complexity – saw near-immediate benefits.

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